Candance North American Tour Results
Check out our newly improved results page! Here you will find PDF versions of all the overall results for each city we visit. For special inquiries please forward your questions to info@candancecompetition.ca
Download Now!
Click to view in a new window, or right click and “Save As” to download your copy of the results today!
- 2k20 Boca Raton, FL
- 2k20 Montreal, QC
- 2k20 Toronto, ON
Check the dropdown below to view/share/print the PDF with our online viewer!
People’s Choice Nominees
Please check back to view the People’s Choice Awards winning routine videos for each city we visit!!
Throughout the entire month of June we open the exclusive contest polls so you can vote for your favourite routine (both Jr and Sr), right here online! The newly famed Candance Champion studios will receive a cheque for $1000.00 to donate to a charity of their choice and we couldn’t be more excited to see who wins next!
Join us at our National Finals Gala to see it unfold live and in person! Good luck!
Choreography Champions
Your Champions have arrived! View our playlist below to watch the Candance Choreography Awards winning routine videos!
2k20 Tour Results
“You are who you are, because you CanDance.”